Flower of Xylocarpus rumphii

This photo was taken at Loh Dasami, Rinca Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia.

Fruit of Xylocarpus rumphii

Xylocarpus rumphii is one of minor true-mangrove in Komodo National Park. This photo was taken at Loh Liang, Komodo Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia.

Female flower of Spinifex littoreus

This grass is also an associated mangrove that widely distributed in Komodo National Park, Indonesia. This photo was taken at Loh Dasami, Rinca Island.

Flower of Thespesia populnea

This photo was taken from Loh Liang, Komodo Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia.

Fruit of Thespesia populnea

Thespesia populnea is an associated mangrove that easily to find in Komodo National Park. This photo was taken at Loh Liang, Komodo Island, Komodo National Park.

The appearance of Sonneratia alba

This photo was taken at Loh Lawi, Komodo Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia.

Fruit of Sonneratia alba with sunset view

This photo was taken at Loh Sebita, Komodo Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia.

Fruit of Sonneratia alba

Sonneratia alba is one of major true-mangrove that widely distributred in Komodo National Park.

Young fruit of Sonneratia alba

This photo was taken at Loh dasami, Rinca Island, Komodo National Park.

Flower of Rhyzophora mucronata

The appearance of this major true-mangrove is very similar with R. stylosa, only bigger of most part of the body. This photo was taken at Loh Sebita, Komodo Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia.

Rhyzophora stylosa in Nusa Kode Island

Rhyzophora stylosa is also a major true-mangrove that widely distributed in Komodo National Park. This photo was taken from Nusa Kode Island.

Leaf and root of Rhyzophora apiculata mangrove

Rhyzophora apiculata is a major true-mangrove that grow at many places in Komodo National Park. This photo was taken from Loh Sebita, Komodo Island.

Pandanus tectorius fruit from Loh Liang

This fruit will become reddish orange when its ripe. This photo was taken at Loh Liang, Komodo Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia.

Fruit of Pandanus tectorius

Pandanus tectorius is an associated mangrove that easily recognize. This mangrove grow at many places in Komodo National Park. This photo was taken from Loh Dasami, Rinca Island.

Flower of Osbornia octodonta mangrove

Osbornia octodonta is one of minor true-mangrove in Komodo National Park. This mangrove grow in many places of the park. This photo was taken at the corner of Loh Liang, Komodo Island.

Mangrove forest at Loh Sebita, Komodo Island

This mangrove forest contains many species of mangrove. This view is a part of the middle of the forest.

Mangrove forest at Loh Sebita with hills view

This mangrove forest is close enough to the hills as it seen. However, Loh Sebita is one of the largest valley in Komodo National Park. This part is the corner of the valley.

Mangrove forest at Loh Lawi, Komodo Island

Mangrove forest at Loh Lawi, Komodo Island, Komodo National Park. This forest contains lots of mangrove species such as Avicennia marina, Sonneratia alba, and Rhyzophora spp.

Mangrove forest at Loh Lawi

This is another view of mangrove forest at Loh Lawi, Komodo Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia.

Mangrove forest at Loh Buaya

This mangrove forest just closed with the jetty and entrance gate to the Loh Buaya's tourism area. The trail along to front office is next to this forest. There are many species of mangrove here.

Flower of Lumnitzera racemosa

This plant is one of major true-mangrove that found in Komodo National Park. The photo of this Lumnitzera racemosa's white flower was taken at Loh Sebita, Komodo Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia.

Fruit of Lumnitzera racemosa

Lumnitzera racemosa grow at many coastal zone in Komodo National Park, Indonesia. This photo was taken at Nusa Kode Island, Komodo National Park.

Flower of Excoecaria agallocha from Loh Dasami

This photo was taken from Loh Dasami, Rinca Island, Komodo National Park.

Flower of Excoecaria agallocha from Nusa Kode Island

Excoecaria agallocha is a minor true-mangrove that grow at many places in Komodo National Park such as Loh Liang, Komodo Island; Loh Buaya and Loh Dasami, Rinca Island; also at Nusa Kode Island where this photo was taken.

Flower of Clerodendron inerme

Clerodendron inerme usually grow close to the beach. This plant is also one of associated mangrove in Komodo National Park. This photo was taken from Loh Dasami, Rinca Island but you can find this plant at many beaches in the park.

Fruit of Ceriops tagal

This Ceriops tagal's fruit photo was taken from Nusa Kode Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia. This kind of mangrove is also could be found at Loh Buaya, Rinca Island and at Loh Sebita, Komodo Island.

Flower of Ceriops tagal mangrove

This mangrove is also a manor true-mangrove in Komodo National Park. This photo was taken at Nusa Kode Island.

Fruits of Ceriops decandra at Loh Dasami

This Ceriops decandra mangrove was found at Loh Dasami, Rinca Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia.

Double fruits of Ceriops decandra

This photo was taken at Loh Buaya, Rinca Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia. This mangrove also one of major true-mangrove in the park.

Fruits of Cerbera mangas mangrove

This color of this Cerbera mangas' fruit is green when they're young, but become red when ripen.

Cerbera mangas' flowers

This plant grows at the beach as associated mangrove. This photo was taken from Loh Dasami, Rinca Island, Komodo National Park.

Flower of Bruguiera gymnorrhyza

This mangrove easily to recognize from the bright red flower. This mangrove is one of major true-mangrove in Komodo National Park. You can find it at Loh Sebita and Loh Gong, Komodo Island, also at Loh Buaya, Rinca Island.

Fruits of Bruguiera cylindrica mangrove

This mangrove is one of major true-mangrove in Komodo National Park. So far this kind of mangrove was found at Loh Liang, Komodo Island and at Loh Dasami, Rinca Island.

Flower and fruit of Bruguiera cylindrica

This photo was taken at Loh Dasami, Rinca Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia

Fruit of Avicennia marina mangrove with a bug

This photo was taken from Loh Liang, Komodo Island, Komodo National Park, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.

Flower of Avicennia marina mangrove

This mangrove was found at Loh Liang, Komodo Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia

Avicennia marina with aerial roots

These aerial roots belong to Avicennia marina, one of major true-mangrove in Komodo National Park, Indonesia. This photo was taken from Loh Lawi, Komodo Island.

Flower of Aegiceras floridum mangrove

This minor true-mangrove grow in the beach between Loh Liang and Komodo village, Komodo National Park, Indonesia.

Mangrove Aegiceras floridum

This Aegiceras floridum mangrove was found in Nusa Kode Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia.

A baby dragon in hand

This cute baby dragon (Varanus komodoensis) was hatch at Loh Liang, Komodo Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia.

A tough baby dragon

This tough baby dragon was born at Loh Buaya, Rinca Island, Komodo National Park, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.

A baby dragon climb with a fly

Climbing baby dragon

This baby dragon (Varanus komodoensis) is climbing on tamarind (Tamarindus indica) tree

A cluster of babies dragon

These komodo dragon's babies were hatch at Loh Buaya, Rinca Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia

Two Babies komodo dragon

This photo of komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis)' babies was taken at Loh Buaya, Rinca Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia

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